Whether you train in MMA for self defense, fitness, fun, or glory, I ask you to aim for the top.
What do I mean by that? Try to get the most out of your training in every facet. If you’re doing it
for self defense, fitness or fun why would for you aim for the top? A few reasons to be honest, a
good reason is to be the best you can be. Another, definitely more selfless, reason is so you can
possibly show someone a move that could take them to that next level in their game, because we
all know how great that feeling. For the people doing it because they like to compete you aim
for the top because anything lower won’t get you into the winners circle. I was lent a copy of
Coaching Mental Toughness on the Mats; a video made by and is of the Great Dan Gable, by my
coach. I loved the movie and suggest it to anyone who is serious about training, but in this video
Dan Gable talks about a lot about this book The Heart of a Champion by Bob Richards. Gable
even refers to it as the Sports Bible, and whenever he’s having trouble he’s always re-reading
it. So naturally I instantly went out and picked it up it’s an amazing book. There is a chapter
in the book about aiming for the top, one of the main things that stuck out to me was how he
believed that humans were endowed with instinctive impulses to get to the top; and what seemed
to set the good athletes from the greatest was their desire to reach the top, to do the impossible.
If you take a look at his book you see that he knows what he’s talking about, the amount of
athletes he’s interviewed and even just been around is insane. So what I’m trying to get out of
this articles I guess is to always aim for the top, no matter what your doing, set your goals high,
believe you can reach them and great things will happen.