December 21, 2011

    The title for this blog is a bit misleading because I’m trying to send a different message, not that there is anything wrong with being a thinker. No the massage I’m sending is regarding your MMA training and how thinking TOO MUCH about what to do can also lead to being a stinker…in a street fight or in a cage.

    To many people that I run into and work with tend to over analogize things. What happens is that when they go to use the techniques in a real situation they freeze because they’re thinking too much.

    There is very much a such thing as a fighter who over thinks everything just like you have people in life like that. I’m as guilty of this as the next guy.

    The only real way to be sure your techniques will work when you need them is to drill them like crazy. If you embed them into your brain from active drilling over and over when the time comes it’s going to be a reflex. That’s what you want, not to think but have your body respond. That my friends only comes from drilling.

    So my advise for today is to maybe ask a few less questions and focus on what you do know, then drill the mess out of it. Try to go into auto pilot when you roll/spar/wrestle. If you’ve drilled enough your body will go into the moves with little to no thought at all.

    I’m not posting any videos because I don’t want you guys and gals over thinking!

    Food for thought…

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