September 27, 2009

    The students of Cornell University’s BJJ Club invited Coach Danny to return for a two day seminar. A great group of students and friends gathered for the seminar, during which Danny covered 4 hours of material and was able to roll live with several attendees. He covered a wide range of techniques such as pressure guard passing, engaging an unwilling opponent, and defense from the turtle position. Several students from the former school year returned, along with a large group of new students who joined the club this year. Once again, Danny was impressed by the positive attitude that all the participants had and the high level of interest in the learning the sport. Teresa was able to join him and roll with some of the students there as well. She truly enjoyed her tiime with everyone and was appreciative for the opportunity to train and hang out with all. Special thanks to Cornell’s BJJ Club President Danny F. for organizing the event, and to he and his wife Jackie for treating us to a celebratory lunch!

    Danny providing instruction

    Danny demonstrating a move

    Cornell team 

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