This past weekend Coach Danny Ives jumped on a plane and went down to the land known as Texas. But why on earth would Coach Danny go to Texas you might ask?
The US Army Combatives Team, that’s why 🙂
What’s Army Combatives? That’s another question you might have and we’ll be happy to answer it for you.
The United States armed forces, like Navy and Army, have their own brands of self defense training. For the Army, it’s called Army Combatives.
Army Combative training isn’t a joke. These guys learn real techniques that work in REAL situations. They train in everything from Muay Thai Kickboxing to Russian Sombo.
Ft Hood is the best of all the Army. So naturally, Coach Danny was delighted to have the chance to work with them.
So Ivey League MMA’s very own Coach Danny Ives was flown down to Texas to teach the Army fighters. Again, He was more then happy to do so.
The seminar took place in a town called Killeen. Killeen is the home of Ft Hood, the largest Army base in the world. Not kidding. It’s really something to see. The post/base is kind of like a city within a city.
Coach Danny (CD) taught his very spacial brand of Mixed Martial Arts techniques. The seminar was broken into two days.
The focus was mostly on Brazilian Gracie Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) techniques and tactics, with and without the gi (martial arts uniform).
Day 1 was all gi training. With a lot of attacks aimed at passing the guard as sweep as getting sweeps, also from the guard.
Day 2 was all nogi and more suited for Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Just like with day one, lots of guard passing was covered as well as some counters and attacks from the turtle guard.
CD showed many of his best techniques, including:
-Terere Sweep
-Murphy Roll
-Udo Pass
-Roderigo Pass
Coach Danny talked about his trip with the students and had this to say:
“First of all…these Army Combative dudes are tough! They’re in great shape and train very hard. Working with them was one of the finest teaching experiences of my life. They treated me like family. It’s truly of team of nice folks who serve our country and make everyone proud.”
Special thanks must be given to Platinum member and Army Sergent First Class David Miller. Sergent Miller went out of his way to set everything up and if it weren’t for him none of this would have happened.
Another big piece of the puzzle for this trip, and we do mean BIG is fellow Platinum Member and upcoming heavyweight Victor “Tag” Moreno. Victor was a huge help with everything including navigating around the monster sized base known as Ft Hood.
***Funny Stories Floating Around Indeed…
Word of the streets is that Dave Miller punched a train and that Victor Moreno got run over by one…and yes the story about Dave fighting and TV and losing is true, bwhahahaha.
If you want a lot of laughs then you’re in luck, Just ask Victor about the night of David Miller’s birthday! Sit back and enjoy the show!
Sorry! Sorry! We got off track a little (a lot) there. Moving on…
CD also got a chance to train with UFC fighters Tim Kennedy and Colton Smith. Both of whom were nothing but awesome. Keep an eye out for both fighters in the coming months. They’re really that good.
In the end great times were had by all.
Thanks again to all the soldiers and friends that made Coach Danny’s stay in Texas so much fun. We look forward to having him return again in the near future.
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