On Friday, March 23rd, 2012 Ivey League MMA hosted something a bit outside the normal activities involving martial arts and such.
No this was something very different. It was a commitment to more then just a black belt…
Master Danny Ives proposed to longtime girlfriend Miss Teresa Russin! He did so in front of some of the children and parents of Ivey League/Crazy 88’s youth programs.
Did Miss Teresa say yes???
It was a very special moment for everyone at the academy and for Team Lloyd Irvin as Master Danny Ives and Miss Teresa Russin are the first to be engaged and this whole thing started on the mats with Team Lloyd Irvin.
Thanks again so much to the kids and parents that came out and helped set up and make this such a great time.
Special thanks must be given to the Dvorak family and to Crazy 88’s Cathy Tran! Without all their hard work and ring picking skills all this wouldn’t have been possible. Thank you sooooo much!
You can see the photos on facebook and google + by following the links below.
On GOOGLE+ plus click on this link***
On FACEBOOK go to this link***
Click here to see pics via facebook and Miss Amy Dvorak’s page