February 17, 2012

    We have the upcoming Judo seminar here at Ivey league Mixed Martial Arts.

    I’m sure those reading this know about it. If not, below is a link that feeds to my original post regarding the seminar with full details. **Click here for the info

    I try to host seminars with outside instructors once every 3-4 months. Last time we had Ben “Funky” Askren here and it was by far one of the best seminars I’ve ever attended.

    With that said….

    Today I wanted to talk more about why you should take this seminar and future seminars.

    Those that know me well know that I’m always trying to learn new things and that I travel the world to seek new stuff out.

    Not just in martial arts, but in business and my personal life as well.

    Master Lloyd Irvin calls it “Investing in yourself”

    Money that you put out but it goes to making you a better person.

    In my opinion, this is the best way on earth to spend your hard earned money. I don’t even like to use the term “spend” because you’re not spending money, you’re investing money into yourself and your lifestyle.

    With seminars, I hear some people say they can’t afford it. Garbage. Yes they can, but they don’t feel that investing in themselves is worth it but gee that new iphone sure was worth the money.

    Last year I spent $4000 to attend a seminar for business. Was it worth it?! Oh my god YES, YES YES and another YES!

    I’ve been to over 100 seminars and my take on them is that if I can learn 1 thing, just one new thing that will help my martial arts skills, it’s darn worth it!

    Shoot, many seminars I’ve learned tons of good things so it’s even better.

    I should also point out that it’s no surprise that the best fighters and students we Have at Ivey League MMA all take seminars, most if not all seminars we host. Their progress speaks for the seminars.

    So, yes you should take this upcoming Judo seminar and future seminars.

    I should point out too that I don’t host these seminars to make money off students. I give all the money the seminar makes to the guest instructor.

    I host the seminars because I want to see you, YES YOU! Become the best martial artist that you can be.

    So in closing, are you or your child signed up for the Judo seminar? If not please see Chrissy at the front desk and get in on this because it will make you better and you’ll be doing something that 97% of the world does not, investing in yourself!

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