To say that everyone is excited here at Ivey League MMA would be an understatement. We just put together our first cage and not just our first cage but the only MMA cage in the whole Anne Arundel county area! So yeah, things are jumping and the students are hyped.
Last night some of the Students such as Jayna, Emanuel and Cliff got a chance to do some sparring in the new cage and you could see that having an MMA cage raised the bar here. Master Danny Ives said that he thought it brought out more effort from the students and they really put on a show for the crowd in attendance.
Some of the key things that you can do with a cage are tactics like:
- Fighting with your back to the cage
- Corning an opponent
- Not getting cornered by an opponent
- Pushing off the cage to strike
- Wall crawling up the cage to get up (spider-man style!)
- Working off the mat when pinned
That and so much more! So enjoy the cage and get some use out of it. Thanks to everyone that helped build it, students like Nick Walters, Dave Chavies AKA the Kracken, Danny “Red” Heath and of course the main man behind it all, George McGinnis of YorkMMA in York, PA.