March 15, 2009

    Coach Danny traveled to the beautiful campus of Cornell University for a two-day seminar with the Cornell BJJ club. Overall the trip was fantastic and the experience memorable. Danny presented his techniques and later rolled with 15 students each night. Danny began each session demonstrating partner and solo drills for the students to incorporate into their routines that will both help them warm up for training and reinforce basic but solid fundamentals. On Friday, Danny covered submissions from the guard and a series of sweeps using the uma plata. For Saturday night’s class, he showed how to open and pass the guard as well as some more advanced level chokes. Both nights concluded with a session of rolling and Q & A. By the end of Saturday night, Danny had gotten in an excellent workout and had the privilege of meeting and training with the Cornell BJJ students. He was impressed with the level of training in the program, and the positive attitude and work ethic of the students involved that often characterizes Cornell University. Hopefully some of these notable students will find their way to Maryland to train with Team Lloyd Irvin.

    Danny demonstrates using Teresa


    Perfecting the moves

    The Cornell BJJ Club


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