Hey everyone, Kru Jose Villirisco will be here at Ivey league mma for a 2 hour seminar on July 25th, for those of you that don’t know him, he is the head Muay Thai coach at the main Lloyd Irvin academy in Camp Springs and is also the trainer for both Coach Danny and Coach Jason. Kru Jose will be going over his favorite Mauy Thai combinations as well as his best clinch techniques and after the seminar Kru Jose will spar with the students and show everyone why his push kicks are not to be messed with! We are very excited to be able to get him here to Ivey League so take advantage of this great opportunity!!!
When; Friday, July 25th
Time; 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Where; Ivey League MMA
Cost; $45 Pre Register, $50 day of.
See Danny or Jason to sign up!