I was watching youtube today and I came across this awesome video of a judo instructor showing how to do a sacrifice throw called a “tomoenage”
I like this video because it shows the true control and technique needed to show a move like this on a kid. The instructor in the video is a former world champion in Judo and again, I have to stress that his form is amazing when he shows this (not to mention how he is able to bend his knees like you)
A tomoenage is a common throw in both Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It’s used a lot because even if you miss it you’ll be ok providing you don’t land hard on your back. If you nail it your opponent goes flying over your head (not fun for them, haha)
The best guy to watch if you wanted to see it done in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu would be Roger Gracie. I’ve seen him nail this a few times in BJJ. I can’t think of others at the moment but when I can I’ll post it.
For some good judo videos check out the ones I’ve posted below, some good stuff for sure.