March 29, 2010

    Downtown Annapolis provided a wonderful atmosphere for a lively and memorable Ivey League event on Saturday, our 2nd Year Anniversary! Current students, friends and family, and a few Crazy 88’ers and Camp Springs instructors came together for our annual potluck party. In an inspiring speech, Coach Danny discussed all the accomplishments and changes we have experienced as a team over the past year and noted that this year was special for several reasons. We moved into our own building, we started our Kids Program, and our family has grown tremendously. Coach Danny thanked the students and supporting people who have all made it possible. He then talked about the potential for our future and his high hopes for us all.

    Several special recognitions were made this year. Coach Danny personally thanked all the staff and instructors that have contributed to the high quality of teaching at Ivey League. Next, outstanding students received awards for their hard work, including Egypt Kosloski, Jayna Fenton, Cameron Jurkowsky, Eric Davis, and Nick Walters. “Giant Big Nick” won the $1,000 cash referral prize.We wrapped up the evening with singing Happy Birthday to Coach Danny and enjoying an impressive, three-tiered cake handmade by Mrs. Christine Concepcion. The students surprised Coach Danny with a group gift of a flat screen TV and DVD player so he can watch his giant collection of training and competitions DVDs!

    We would like to thank all those who helped make the evening possible and we hope you all join us again for year number 3!

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