Congrats are in order for long time BBC student Holden Murphy. This past Saturday he received his Brazilian Jiu Jitsu yellow belt! The belt was given at our main Team Lloyd Irvin location, Camp Springs Maryland. Promoting Holden at Camp Springs was great because not only was Master Danny Ives there to hand out the belt but so was Master Donnie Achnick.
Master Donnie is the head kids instructor for all of Team Lloyd Irvin.
Holden’s been training for almost 3 years. In that time he’s been nothing but a great student for us. He also picked up a silver medal at the 2011 Pan Kids Championships in California.
It’s also a family thing since both his father and brother train here as well. The father, Mike “Cadillac” Murphy just got his blue belt in BJJ a few weeks back.
Holden was as happy as we’ve ever seen him and to be honest he should be. All the hard work and dedication paid off and he’s now a yellow belt here at Ivey league MMA. One of only 3 others.
It’s funny seeing how martial arts have changed the life of Holden. He went from a shy kid to the personality of the class. He went from 0 ability to defend himself to being one of the best out there. That’s something that martial arts can give to a child that something football cannot.
So, from all of us here at Team Lloyd Irvin we salute you Holden Murphy, job well done!