January 15, 2011

    Something I get asked a lot, “who are the best BJJ fighters you’ve ever rolled with?” I get asked this all the time, and I was thinking about it and I thought it would be cool if I just sat down and wrote about the people I’ve been lucky enough to have trained with a highlight the very best beatings I’ve taken….

    Who is the best I’ve rolled with? Lloyd Irvin….by far!

    Now I know a lot of those reading this will say “oh you’re just saying that because he gave you your black belt” To that I say yeah right, believe me when I say this, I’ve trained with lots of great Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belts and no one has beaten me worse then Master Lloyd Irvin. If you ever happen to get a chance to train with him then you be the judge.

    What makes Master Lloyd so good? I would have to say his timing is what truly separates him from the pack. He can time movement very well and is able to flow from one move to the other with ease. The other thing is his guard passing, and this is something that I always felt Master Lloyd has never shown in the times I’ve seen him compete but let me assure everyone reading this, he has some heavy hips. When he uses his tight passing style on me It’s like me trying to lift my Toyota off of me. Heavy hips to say the least.

    Ok well some others that come to mind when I think of the best of the best I’ve ever rolled with:

    *Saulo Ribeiro, very heavy guard passing, great half guard and just a pressure based style. Very tough guy.
    *Bruno frazatto, this guy is an animal, I’ve never rolled with someone as fast and strong as Bruno is. I call him the “Buzzsaw”
    *Renzo Gracie, very much like Saulo, pressure based style, very heavy. Very explosive.
    *Robert Drysdale, big, strong, unorthodox style and very good toe holds and leg attacks.

    If I missed anyone then I’m sorry, I could list many more that I’ve trained with that were awesome but that would take too long. These are just a few names.

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