If you look for advice online about what age to start MMA training, you’ll see that most people recommend starting training during the teen years—some as early as 13, others recommending waiting until 15 or 16. In our view, these recommendations are missing something important—in order to excel at MMA training in the teen years, kids need a solid foundation in fitness, focus, and martial arts. This is why we offer Mixed Martial Arts Basics classes for children starting at age 7.
The Benefits of Starting MMA Training Early
Don’t let the name scare you—MMA training for young children is safe, fun, and helps foster a love of working out that will benefit your child well into their adult years. The emphasis is on self-defense and confidence; while there are some kids who, even at an early age, strive to fight professionally someday, the vast majority simply enjoy learning the fundamentals of standup, takedowns, and ground fighting, along with burning off some energy after school and making new friends. Our Annapolis MMA training for beginners is popular with kids and parents alike because kids look forward to our engaging classes and parents love seeing the positive changes in their children’s self-esteem and overall mindset.
If your child does end up wanting to continue MMA training once they reach their teens, their years in our Mixed Martial Arts Basics classes will give them an advantage over other teens who are just starting with MMA without any background in martial arts. They’ll have the strength, agility, and mental clarity needed to excel in MMA training; they’ll already understand basic concepts and have knowledge of a wide range of martial arts, including Brazilian jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai kickboxing.
Is It Ever Too Late to Start MMA Training?
While many people ask us when the best time to start MMA training is for their children, others want to know for themselves—they might believe that they’ve reached an age where it’s too late to take up MMA. Is it possible to be too old for MMA, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, or Muay Thai?
If your goal is to enter the ring as a professional MMA fighter and you have no previous training or background in martial arts, starting in your 40s or 50s might not work out for you. If, on the other hand, your goal is to start MMA training to get into the best shape of your life, it’s never too late to start. We offer basics classes for all ages and all fitness levels, and there’s no sparring or hitting. You’ll use punching bags and do partner drills and pad work, all while burning fat, toning your body, and having lots of fun in the process. If you’ve been bored by fitness classes in the past, MMA training might just be the perfect fit for your needs.
Learn More About MMA Training for Beginners
If you’d like to learn more about MMA training at Ivey League Mixed Martial Arts, contact us today at 443-339-8130.