February 16, 2012

    The Ivey league MMA in house tournament….right around the corner folks!

    If you need details on the in house tourney and what it is/rules and so on please check back to older blog posts as I put all that info on here like the dates, times, prices and so on.

    Today I wanted to talk about the in house tourney and I wanna talk not so much about it but more about WHY YOU SHOULD BE DOING THEM!

    Why do the in house tournaments, here we go!

    First and foremost, it’s just a fun thing to do and cool thing to tell people about.

    Think about your friends outside the martial arts world. Ask them what their doing on February 25th, most likely they’ll be like “nothing” or “gonna watch the game”.

    Then they ask you what you’re doing on Saturday the 25th and you’re like “competing in an in house grappling/BJJ tournament!”

    Which one sounds cooler and more fun?

    Yeah you guessed it, sitting around the house watching TV, haha J/K no man the tourney is the cool thing for sure!!!

    The other thing is that doing tournaments will speed up your progress in your training 10 fold.

    I’m not kidding at all btw…

    I can’t explain why, honest to god! But look, when you compete in front of people, like a tournament, it makes you better, much better. Not sure how it works but I’ve seen it happen.

    It’s happened to myself and others, **story below

    We have CAP Platinum member Dave Pheiffer for example. I’ve seen his level shoot up, waaaayyyy up since he started competing in Naga.

    Just the fact that he gets out there in front of people, has to have a gameplan, has to work under a time limit. All of that makes you much better at grappling.

    Bottom line: Tournaments make you better at BJJ, plan and simple.

    Look, in the end, it’s all about having some fun and trying something different. You want to be able to tell your grand kids that you did cool stuff when you were young like a grappling tournament.

    Are you afraid to loss? If you are I understand, losing can be painful on the mind. But keep this thought with you, you’re among friends at an in house tournament.

    These are all Team Lloyd Irvin guys and gals, you’re family! In the end who cares if you take some losses? It’s about learning and having a good time with the people who are your teammates and friends. So don’t be afraid to try!

    Keep this in mind too, I’m not saying you need to start becoming a competitor on the local or world grappling/BJJ scene. No not at all. In fact, I’m not really a tournament school anyway, I teach people martial arts to make their lives better.

    Come out, do the in house, be among friends, do some joking around, get some matches in and at the end of the day, you had the guts to step out there and compete. Ask your friends and family if they would have done that?

    You’re different! You train with Team Lloyd Irvin and you’re a martial artist. Go out there, compete, show the world what you’ve got and who you are!

    February 25th, be there! 


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