This past Sunday Team Lloyd Irvin held it’s all female team training session at 88bjj. It would be an understatement to say that it went well, it was amazing! All in all we had 30 girls show up to train, share technique and just have a good time. Master Lloyd Irvin showed some great chokes with the gi and Miss Sharon was also there to coach and give some of her thoughts. After a short warm up and some skill development work it was time to roll and boy were there some tough matches! Some of the girls that were training was Nyjah Easton, Jen Flannery, Miss Wynona, Aarae Alexandra, Mrs. Cathy, Jasmin Maribal, Miss Crystal and of course Ivey League’s girls Jeano “Black eye” Binney and Teresa Russin were right there in the mix. Coach Danny said he was tired just watching it!
Thanks to all who came out and supported the women of Team Lloyd Irvin!!!!