Going into the WKA Nationals Ivey League MMA had 2 fighters taking part. Coach Eddie Spiker and my son David Jamison.
Eddie was competing in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and David in Muay Thai Kickboxing.
Eddie “The Spaz” Spiker, after having cut 15lbs, was ready to go. He was feeling really good going into the fight. He was doing MMA 132LBS division.

Eddie’s first round starts with Eddie doing a hard leg kick and gets the other guys attention right away.

The opponent didn’t want to stand with Eddie, so he was looking for the take down right away. He manages to take Eddie down, but Eddie reverses and stands back up.
The opponent takes him down again and they have a good back and forth and stand back up. On the ground up against the cage Eddie shows his skills on the ground and his flexibility.
He almost has the guy in a leg lock and reverse triangle a couple of time. The round ends with the other guy on top.
2nd round starts with Eddie throwing a 1 2 combo followed by a kick. He throws a few more kicks.
The other guy doesn’t have much of a stand up game so he’s looking to take Eddie down at any chance he gets.
He does get Eddie down up against the cage, but just lays on him with his corner yelling for him to lay there and rest. Eddie is still fighting from on his back and trying for submissions.
The round ends with the other guy on the mount throwing some punches.
3rd round the other guy takes Eddie down again and attempts a submission, but Eddie doesn’t Tap and finally he has to give up on it. Unfortunately, Eddie loses this fight.
In this fight, Eddie shows heart and his never give up attitude. Eddie is a hard worker and will come back from this loss stronger. After the fight Eddie said that he needs to work on his wrestling.
David “The Diesel” Jamison was doing his first tournament since he started at Ivey League last year. He was doing K-1 rules Kickboxing in the teen 15-17 year old 132lbs division.
At first thinking there was only 4 in his division shows up the morning of the fights to find he has 7. He was pretty excited about this.
It meant he would get a chance to get in a few fights and get good experience. He was up for the challenge and knew he was well prepared with all the training and the help from all his coaches and training partners.
David ended up having 3 fights in 2 days.
His first fight David pretty much dominated with his hands, thanks to his striking Coach Jason. In round 1, David starts off with a 1 2 combo and just continues out boxing the opponent.
2nd round again starts with David and his boxing he throws in some kicks.
3rd round goes the same with David out boxing the other kid.
His second fight, which was several hours later the same day, he was excited for because winning this one meant he would be in the finals the next day.
He went into the ring ready to go. Bell rang and the fight began to only end about 45 sec. later with his opp0nent falling and injuring himself.
The fight started with David’s opponent rushing in with some punches that David pretty much avoided once that flurry was over and they settled down the other kid tried a head kick, which David fades away from the kid misses falls and injures himself and says he can’t go on anymore.
David was disappointed with that kind of win, but it is what it is.
His 3rd fight was a battle. He ended in the final against the 2011 WKA champion for 132 lbs and the runner up for 2012 WKA 143lbs division.
He knew the guy was going to throw a lot of kicks having watched his match the night before so he was prepared for that and his plan was to beat him with his boxing.
1st round started and right away David hit him with a 1, 2 and got the guys attention. The guy tried to go the rest of round with hands not throwing as much kicks as we thought he would do.
2nd round David continued with his boxing throwing in some kicks. The other guy started kicking more and when David wasn’t checking the kicks he started losing the round.
3rd round David still having good hands, but throwing body kicks the opponent was able to catch and sweep.
David lost a very hard fought march. He came out of this fight feeling really good about his boxing but knowing he needs to work on his shielding and being swept.
His opponent was not only the 2011 Champ the kid also had over 25 fights so not too bad for a kid only been sparring about 8 months.
David said at the end of the fight that he will definitely be back and win the whole thing next year.
Great work guys! You made Ivey League MMA proud.
-Yasemin Jamison
PS. You can keep up with David on his facebook page by clicking this link**