September 23, 2013

    I was watching a video interview this afternoon of MMA fighter Jon Fitch. In it he talked about what it takes to be successful in MMA. He said something that really stuck out to me.

    “Fail often and fail early”.

    Wow, that hit me like a punch in the face. Truer words have never been spoken. I really like what he said because it’s so spot on.

    Too many students are scared to death of failing. Heck too many everyday folks are guilty of this as well.

    And to be honest I’ve seen so many people that start out with all the tools in the world needed for success. But because they can’t handle failing they never achieve anything.

    My job with today’s blog is to help you understand that failing is sometimes a good thing and why it’s needed for you to become the best you can be.

    When you first start taking MMA classes mistakes will be made and failure is a given. Sorry but you’ve got no choice. But in the end that’s how you learn and get better.

    In anything by the way, not just mixed martial arts. This applies to stuff like gaining rank in the military and working your way up the corporate ladder.

    When you take classes, don’t be afraid to screw up, miss moves or just plan old not look great. Your mission is to learn, train hard and get better. In order for all of that to happen you’ll fail a lot in the beginning.

    The key is to not get your ego involved an start acting like you’re too good to fail. Those types of people more often then not quit MMA. They quit and make excuses because they have an ego and can’t accept that it’s not going to come easy.

    Drill a lot, take your classes seriously, ask questions and be a good student. Just like Jon Fitch was. With a “can do” attitude you’d be surprised how far you can go.

    That’s my rant for today. Below are some videos that you can watch and study. As always questions and feedback are welcomed. Email me at

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