March 26, 2014

    Very few techniques are near and dear to my heart. One of those few is a takedown/sweeping technique known all across the land as the “Cement Mixer”. This skill comes from the sport of Wrestling, which was were I learned it a long time again.

    When I say “long time” I mean over 20+ years. Even now, after all this time, the cement mixer is still my baby. So today, you get a real treat of a blog post. Let’s learn all about the technique known as the cement mixer.

    wrestling sessions at ivey league mma in arnold md
    Cary Kolat…yeah you don’t want this dude anywhere near your neck!

    Let’s start with the basics. First, just to be clear, the cement mixer is considered a takedown technique that comes from the sport of wrestling.

    In my home state of Pennsylvania the cement mixer is king. High schools and colleges all over the state are super well know for masters with this technique. Some folks call it the “Cement Job”. That’s also pretty common, still the same move though.

    Most will tell you that the cement mixer has it’s roots in a small town called Northampton, PA. I know that the Northampton HS wrestling team is legendary with this move.

    The most notable wrestlers who’ve had success with this move are almost all from the great state of Pennsylvania.

    Different Names for the Cement Mixer

    Depending on what part of the country you come from, the cement mixed may be called something different.

    For example, In Iowa, they call it a “Cowcatcher”. In Florida it’s called a “Gator Roll”. But you know, in PA where things matter, it’s called the right name, the cement mixer!

    Whatever you decide to call it. Learning and using the cement mixer is about as much fun as a normal human being can have on the mats, or in the cage. It’s just a really fun technique. Oh and I mean to do to someone else…not to have done to you! That’s not fun I assure you.

    wrestlers training annapolis maryland
    Not sure who this dude is but whatever, the picture gives you an idea of what the cement mixer looks like

    If done right, your opponent should end up on their back staring at the big blue sky. It’s used from the front headlock most of the time. One hand would grab the chin and the other hand dives under the arm and fishes for a deep seat belt position.

    At that point it should be up and over for your opponent. The cement mixed also has variations where you throw yourself under the opponent. These are generally called “flying” cement mixers. The second video features the flying version.

    Like I was saying before, yes this is a wrestling technique, but due to the nature of the cement mixer it lends itself well other styles like Brazilian “Gracie” Jujitsu, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), Sombo and Judo. I use it all the time while rolling in BJJ classes.

    So yeah even though it’s technically a wrestling move, over the years I’ve found a bunch of great ways to adapt the cement mixer to MMA and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. It’s become a mainstay in not only my bag of tricks but for a few of our other members as well.

    Two Ivey League Members come to mind, Brandi Truett and Mike “Mouth” Garlington. Both have used this technique at different times and done so extremely well.

    Who knows this technique best?

    I can’t take away from the wrestling community. Nobody knows or understands the cement mixer better then wrestlers. Especially the ones from Pennsylvania.

    Video Time!

    I’ve included in this blog a few really good videos of the cement mixer being taught then you can see it in live action.

    The guys teaching know what they’re doing, I can tell you that. The first video features wrestling legend and Olympian Cary Kolat. Kolat was also him a nasty dude with the cement mixer, although he’s one of those guys that call it a cement job.

    Kolat runs a great technique site called, which you should check out. Lots of great stuff on that site.

    The second video is the best you’re ever going to find when it comes to the cement mixer in live action. It’s considered one of the greatest matches and comebacks ever seen on a wrestling mat.

    The video is super BA and you get to see the guys who taught me how to wrestle hit the cement mixer in real time.

    Pay close attention to the details. The devils in the details my friends.

    Oh crap check it out, I just found a video of me teaching the cement mixer! Yes life is good. My buddy Dan F freaking named it wrong but whatever. It’s here. Check that out as well.

    As always if you have questions you can email me at or post a comment below this post. No foul language please 🙂

    Ivey League Mixed Martial Arts
    1517 Ritchie Highway #1,
    Arnold, Md 21012
    (443) 949-7208

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